- In version 18, Sophos will release a very cinvenient feature called Sophos Central Management & Reporting. With this feature, user can manage and see log viewer of Sophos XG by Sophos Central.
- So this article will guide how to configure Sophos Central Management & Reporting feature.
- To config this feature we have to connect Sophos XG device with Sophos Central.
- Firstly, we login on Sophos XG’ GUI.
- Go to PROTECT > Central synchronization > click Register.

- After that we will fill in Sophos Central’s email and password in box and then click Register.
- If we don’t have Sophos Central account, click Create Sophos Central account to create new account.

- After registration, the interface will display as the following image.
- In Sophos Central services, we will turn it.

- Firewall Management and Reporting from Sophos Central board will appeard, mark on Use Sophos Central Reporting and Sophos Central Management.
- Click Apply to apply.

- Next we will login Sophos Central by admin account.
- Go to PRODUCTS > Firewall Management > Firewalls.
- We will see the information of Sophos XG device.
- Click Accept services to allow Sophos XG device sent services to Sophos Central.

- To access Sophos XG device’ GUI, click on Serial or Name below FW Name, IP and wait a few second to access.

- Now we can configure everything the same as on the GUI.
- To back Firewall Management on Sophos Central, click Back to FW Management.
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